Scrambling 2NT -------------- The scrambling 2NT bid is used after partner makes a takeout double at the two level, and you hold two four card suits. E.g. (1S)-p-(2S)-x; p- ??? and you hold S: Kxx/ H: Qxxx/ D: Jxxx/ C: xx. If you bid hearts, you could wind up in a 4-3 fit (and the same with bidding diamonds). Why guess? If you bid 2NT as a scramble, partner can bid his four card suits up the line. With S: xx/ H: Kxxx/ D: AKx/ C: QJxx partner bids 3C over which you bid 3D to deny holding four clubs and then partner bids 3H to show that suit. Why play this convention? * First, you and your partner may make more agressive doubles knowing that you can find your 4-4 fits safely. * Second, if partner does not go thru Scrambling 2NT, then the doubler will know that the suit is a five card or longer suit. * Third, what else is 2NT supposed to mean? Natural? Why not just pass their doubled bid then?